Podcast Number 1 - William Luther Sibert and the Long Road to the Chemical Warfare Service
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MG William Luther Sibert
Commander, Chemical Warfare Service - 1918-1919
Our initial podcast begins a series examining the early history of the US Chemical Warfare Service (CWS) from its founding in World War I to the 1920s. Our inaugural podcast tells the story of Major General William Sibert, whose long journey to become the first commander of the CWS begins oddly enough in Panama. Along the way, he will build the Gatun Locks and get a promotion to Brigadier General that ends up more like a punishment than the reward Congress intended. He will lose two wives before their time, and become the first commander of the 1st Infantry Division, the famous "Big Red One.” Oh, and he'll be relieved of command. All before taking over the Chemical Warfare Service and becoming the "Father of the US Chemical Corps." It is a tale almost impossible to believe, we hope you enjoy it.
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